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Welcome for enquires or purchase our Hypochlorous Acid Solutions at different mg/L

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Disinfection Generators

Our professional and economical generators are based on ECA-technology (electrochemical activation) and have been precisely designed to suit your disinfection needs.


Our generators produce the disinfectant solution NEUTHOX® on-site through an electrochemical process (the electrolysis of salt and water) during which hypochlorous acid is madeIt is completely harmless to human and the environment and deemed safe to use as industrial disinfection. The powerful biocide can destruct the biofilm germs and bacteria effectively in the cold and hot water systems. 


Chlorine, a dangerous chemical has been accepted in-water treatment for many years, but clearly this has some serious downsides.  In contrast to NEUTHOX®the active ingredient primarily made of hypochlorous acid (HOCI), created by the electrolyzing of water and salt generated by our disinfection generators is completely harmless.  It is 100% safe for humans; animals; plants and chemical free and non-toxic and is all natural therefore eco-friendly.  The systems are fully automated; minimum maintenance is required and are exceptionally economical. 


We have 3 different types of disinfection generators series:

1.     Low Chloride (LC), 

2.     Standard (STD)

3.     Horticulture (HC) 


A high level of automation models following industrial standards.  These 3 types of generators series come in different sizes and produce different volumes of disinfectant with different features and applications. 


Low Chloride Unit Series Generators (produces 9 to 250I/h)

This type of LC generators is developed with a low salt (chloride) content to protect against corrosion in closed systems. This is designed to use in: hot water systems; cooling towers; dentist process water; water supply in the city; bottle disinfection at breweries and shipping – oil – gas – ballast.


Standard Unit Series Generators (produces 15 to 400 I/h)

This type of STD ECA generators was developed for used in general industry with a concentration on fighting Legionella. This is designed to use in: small cooling towers; water supplies; drinking water; wastewater; agriculture business with livestock farming; ponds and bottling for sanitation purposes.


Horticultural Unit Series Generators (produces 40 to 400 I/h) (Not available in Hong Kong and Macau market, please contact us for further information) 

This type of HC generators uses potassium chloride, this disinfect and ads fertilizer to plants.  This is designed to use in: greenhouses; post-harvest washing; disease prevention and plant shelf-life extension. 


Our systems can be installed almost anywhere, it is simple to install and operate.  It is safe and not harmful to the human and the environment. Therefore, we recommend ECA-technology (electrochemical activation).