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Legionella Law & Regulation

Legionella European Law

Under Directive 2000/54/EC of the European Parliament and the Council, which pertains to safeguarding employees from hazards linked to exposure of biological agents at work, it is mandatory for employers to conduct a thorough risk assessment and implement appropriate measures to prevent Legionnaires disease among their workers.The person who is responsible for the water systems, it's crucial to keep in mind that you have legal obligations to maintain high-quality water and manage it responsibly. Failing to meet these obligations can have serious consequences, which is why it's essential to stay informed and up-to-date on regulations and best practices. NEUTHOX® is considered one of the most effective solutions for preventing Legionella growth in the market, as it meets ECHA regulations and has gained approval from the Drinking Water Inspectorate, with its effectiveness also being recognized in HSG274 Part 2.

Hong Kong Waterworks Regulation

The Waterworks Regulation of Hong Kong has specific guidelines that require the control of Legionella in water supply systems. This includes routine water testing, regular maintenance and cleaning of water storage tanks, and appropriate disinfection measures. The regulation is enforced by the Water Supplies Department of Hong Kong and is aimed at protecting public health and ensuring the safety of workers who may be exposed to Legionella.


All industries in Hong Kong that use water supplied by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) are obliged to comply with the Waterworks Regulation. This includes not only commercial and industrial enterprises, but also residential households. The regulation helps to ensure that the water supply is safe, reliable, and sustainable for all users. If you belong to an industry that uses water in its operations, you may need to obtain a license from the WSD under the Waterworks Regulation. Additionally, you may be required to follow certain standards and guidelines for water usage, such as those related to waste water discharge, water conservation, and pollution prevention.

Macau Legionella Regulations

Macau has regulations related to Legionella control. The regulation of Legionella in Macau is governed by the Macau Health Bureau. They have established guidelines and protocols for the prevention and control of Legionella in public water systems, including hotels, hospitals, and other facilities. In order to prevent Legionella, it's important to follow these guidelines which include measures for the maintenance, cleaning, and disinfection of water storage tanks and pipes, as well as regular water testing and monitoring. These guidelines adhere to international standards and best practices for Legionella prevention, which involves regular water quality testing, monitoring, and treatment.


Some of the key requirements for Legionella control in Macau include:

·      Regular water quality testing and monitoring to identify potential sources of Legionella contamination.

·      Implementation of appropriate water treatment measures, including disinfection and flushing, to minimize Legionella growth and colonization.

·      Development of a Legionella management plan, which outlines procedures for assessing and mitigating Legionella risks in water systems.

·      Compliance with local regulations and guidelines for Legionella control, including reporting requirements and other obligations.